Find Us

It's easy to find us ...

The Captain's House
Macleod Terrace
Stein, Waternish
Isle of Skye
Scotland IV55 8GA

tel: 01470-592223
Finding Us on Skye: Head west on the A87T from the Skye Bridge (join the A87T at Broadford if using the Mallaig Ferry). Follow signs for Portree, Uig and Dunvegan.

At Sligachan turn left on to the A863 following signs for Dunvegan. One mile before Dunvegan, turn right onto the single track - A864 signposted Portree. Two miles later turn right onto the main A850 signposted Portree.

Fairy Bridge is the next junction, - turn left onto the B886 for Waternish. After four miles you will gasp at the view and see Stein on the shore below and to the left.

Follow the road, turn left at the T-junction, descend the hill and prepare for a cup of tea - you have arrived!

Alternatively, from Broadford follow A87T signs to Portree and turn left onto the A850 for Dunvegan (passing the Co-op supermarket). Fairy Bridge is four miles past Edinbane. Turn off right for Waternish onto the B886.